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    From having first acne in adolescence, many of us think getting rid of acne will be enough but when years go by, in our adulthood we realize that the acne scars left behind are going to agonize forever. We scour and try many off-the-shelf creams that promises to make their acne scars disappear but gradually we understand everything results in vain. Well, now worthy and effective solutions are available in cosmetic dermatologist for acne scars removal which are safe. By using top-notch technology for every esthetic treatment, Tvak Laser Clinic can provide you the best laser treatment for scar removal which will can also treat accident scars and give desirable results in no time.

    Let’s us throw light on different types of acne scars-

    1. Depressed Scars- These scars are mostly seen on the face. As the name suggest, these scars are sited lower than the neighboring skin causing an uneven skin surface. They are of 3 types based on their shape-

                 i. Boxcar Scars

                ii. Ice pick Scars.

               iii. Rolling Scars

    2. Raised Scars- They are also called hypertrophic scars which surface above the neighboring skin and are formed due to excess collagen production while healing. They are mostly seen with bacne or chest acne.

    Laser treatment is a painless procedure for scar removal. Whether only laser or simple treatment as chemical peeling would do the work for you is decided by Dermatologist. If you have active acne, it is prescribed to work on them along with scar reduction treatment. The right guidance will be ensured by our dermatologists

    Visit us to get your acne and scars treated.

    Our Doctors

    Our Dermatologists

    Dr. Jaishree Noor (Dermatologist)

    MBBS, MD – Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy
    14 Years Experience

    Dr. S.K Kashyap (Dermatologist)

    MBBS, MD – Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy
    14 Years Experience

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